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Page 1 of What books are you reading now, if any?

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What books are you reading now, if any?

r8sso (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 11th June 2006, 11:06

I`m quite keen on my fantasy novels and pretty much don`t read anything else unless it comes recommended.

Favourites of all time have to be Robin Hobb`s Farseer/Liveship Traders/Tawn Man series! Amazing books followed closely by George Martins unfinished Song of Ice and Fire and Robert Jordans unfinished Wheel of Time series

The early Harry Potter books I thoroughly enjoy and even the later ones were v. good, they just didn`t capture me like the first 4 which I read over and over again! Pullman`s Dark Materials were also enjoyable too.

So, anyone care to suggest the next book I should read...


"Life is like oral sex, one slip of the tongue and you`re in the s***!" - Roy Chubby Brown

RE: What books are you reading now, if any?

Gareth Williams (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 11th June 2006, 11:12

Recently finished Robert A. Heinlein`s Starship Troopers (Very interesting... I wish I had History & Moral Philosophy class when I was at school).

Before that I was reading The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold, which is absolutely brilliant. I ordered her previous book Lucky straight away!

For now I`m on something a little lighter, Stephen King`s Cell, which so far is a bit crap.

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This item was edited on Sunday, 11th June 2006, 12:12

RE: What books are you reading now, if any?

r8sso (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 11th June 2006, 11:17

I`ve got the audio book of Stephen King`s Cell on my PSP, haven`t started it yet though. How far into are you?

"Life is like oral sex, one slip of the tongue and you`re in the s***!" - Roy Chubby Brown

RE: What books are you reading now, if any?

Gareth Williams (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 11th June 2006, 11:25

Not very far... just after the opening sequence.

One thing`s for sure - Eli Roth is going to have a field day with the movie!

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RE: What books are you reading now, if any?

David Beckett (Reviewer) posted this on Sunday, 11th June 2006, 12:23

Nightmare Movies by Kim Newman - its a bit dated being written in 1988, but is still incredibly well written and authoritative.

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RE: What books are you reading now, if any?

Sminty (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 11th June 2006, 12:44

I don't read … but when I have been on holiday I either take Terry Pratchett , Discworld books or Harry Potter.

I never seem to be able to get into a book :( . Read the first pages and then get bored. Have an attention span of pea.

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RE: What books are you reading now, if any?

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Sunday, 11th June 2006, 21:23

have just finished The Witches of Chiswick, after reading The I will be trying to get my hands on the second of Robert Rankin`s Brentford Trilogy soon - not sure what it is yet though..possibly `The Brentford Triangle`. Generally don`t read as much as I`d like though unless I have at least an hour undisturbed.

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RE: What books are you reading now, if any?

Snaps (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 11th June 2006, 22:15

Just started Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

I know what I`ll be reading on holiday in a couple of months though, I`ve been saving it till I can sink into it properly.
The Runes of the Earth, The Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant. by Stephen Donaldson


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RE: What books are you reading now, if any?

C(.)(.)PS89 (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 11th June 2006, 23:48

Just finished The Chinaman (IRA type book ) and I`m about to read Walander 3rd novel .

I like reading fanatasy also , if you haven`t read a book called the Magican by Raymond E. Feist, give it go ! :D


RE: What books are you reading now, if any?

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Monday, 12th June 2006, 05:07

Nightmare Movies by Kim Newman - its a bit dated being written in 1988, but is still incredibly well written and authoritative.

Bloody hell I used to have that book, I really enjoyed that, is it that one that where the cover was like green and had claw marks across the middle, which had the Predator`s face underneath the marks?

At the moment I am reading On The Road by Jack Kerouac.

I did finish Hells Angels by Hunter S Thompson, which is an excellent read and I highly recommend it to anyone.



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