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Page 1 of You`re All Going Down...........Andriy Shevchenko Joins Chelsea

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You`re All Going Down...........Andriy Shevchenko Joins Chelsea

NoveltyCondomHead (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 1st June 2006, 08:49

What can I say - We got our Man!

"What`s that Alex Ferguson, challenge who next season - eat my dust"

PS - All you`re Illegal Money/Abramovich Rubbish is just Bitter Grapes and you know it.

RE: You`re All Going Down...........Andriy Shevchenko Joins Chelsea

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 1st June 2006, 08:54

It`s stupid money
It`s obscene
It`s money that would build a hospital,for god`s sake. :o

Yes,he`s a great player (although he bottled his penalty v Liverpool in the CL final,didn`t he?) but things are getting out of hand.

RE: You`re All Going Down...........Andriy Shevchenko Joins Chelsea

Brian Elliott (Reviewer) posted this on Thursday, 1st June 2006, 09:15

Shevchenko is a fantastic player and is certainly better than any other forward that Chelsea currently have (and I`m an admirer of Drogba from his Marseille days). That said, this past season was his weakest yet in Italy, and he has had his fair share of injuries which many believe have slowed him up from the man who was one of the very best in his mid-twenties. Still, fabulous signing.

Brian Elliott is a freelance journalist, and a regular contributor to DVD Reviewer and SLAM! Wrestling
Please visit my website!

RE: You`re All Going Down...........Andriy Shevchenko Joins Chelsea

NoveltyCondomHead (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 1st June 2006, 09:16

It`s money that would build a hospital,for god`s sake

No it won`t, it would pay for 400 bureaucrats and 1 health minister (with 6 houses).


RE: You`re All Going Down...........Andriy Shevchenko Joins Chelsea

Paull (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 1st June 2006, 09:41

Why don`t the gutless FA do something about this. We have a known criminal using blood money (as proven by TV programme last year) to build up a team with thugs as followers for his own ego. No club unless it is self generated should have this buying power. This is NOT CHELSEA. This is Abramovic. The real Chelsea is a second division team (a la Leeds) because of Debts, & only pretty thick Chelsea supporters believe different. It has to be stopped for the good of football. Others as wealthy, or more, could buy up any team in Europe & in time there would be an elite 6 ish clubs that no one can ever get by, making football boring. This season would have been the most exiting one in years but for Abramovic. At one time Wigan would have been tops & the title would have gone to the wire, instead of Chelsea paying there way via players & refs to keep them at the top. For my part & football lovers anywhere last years premiership was won by Arsenal & this by Manchester United & mark my words (a la Italy) this will come about, in time, when I don`t know, but it will.

This item was edited on Thursday, 1st June 2006, 10:42

RE: You`re All Going Down...........Andriy Shevchenko Joins Chelsea

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 1st June 2006, 10:14

It`s not even satisfying to your true Chelsea supporters.
They`re,apparently,leaving in droves because they can`t afford the tickets and being replaced by glory-hunters and corporate liggers.
So much so that the atmosphere dropped to a level where Abramovich felt the need to commission a study to find out why !
Didn`t take a genius to see why.
Radio Five live did a quick straw-poll the day Abramovich commissioned the study and every bloke they interviewed outside the ground told them exactly the same thing.
I certainly couldn`t watch football if my team became some freak show,bought and paid for by dubious money and watched by glory-hunting hangers-on.
I`d turn my back and go watch a lower league team instead,probably as soon as I heard some ill-informed glory-hunter complain about `nasty-wasty` songs or ask "who is that in the number 9 shirt" etc. >:(

RE: You`re All Going Down...........Andriy Shevchenko Joins Chelsea

Nick Shepherd (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 1st June 2006, 10:35

As a fan, It would feel a little less earned if West Ham one the title after having spent so much money.

This past season for example, we have done so well, and it really felt like we all earned it, thats the club, manager, players and the fans, because we all went through two years in the fizzy pop league and then done so well this time.

Although all fans want there club to spend, and if West Ham had more money i wouldnt complain, but i think I would like to only have bought 2 or 3 players for big bucks, and added that to the rest. To buy a whole squad (apart maybe from Terry), would be great to watch, but the victories would not quite be so sweet i dont think

I prefer to have more of a challenge, it makes supporting more fun.

Having said that, I am looking forward to seeing him play, and for that, its a good thing :)

RE: You`re All Going Down...........Andriy Shevchenko Joins Chelsea

Paull (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 1st June 2006, 10:54

Having said that, I am looking forward to seeing him play, and for that, its a good thing

Yes but only if the club, any club, who bought him could afford him & his wages. Chelsea can`t, Abramovic can, see the difference, & Abramovic is not a club. Personaly I`m fed up of the over paid players, including those in my team. I have to say It`s good to see the likes of Wigan, West Ham, Spurs doing well in the Premiership & bar Chelsea`s silly buying potential, it would have made for an interseting 2006/7 Premiership season, not forgetting an improving Arsenal, Liverpool & if they get a good run & perhaps a few good players Newcastle.

RE: You`re All Going Down...........Andriy Shevchenko Joins Chelsea

Nick Shepherd (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 1st June 2006, 11:03

It is a good point. What will they do when Abromovich gets board (have a spelt that right?), or buys another club.

I am much happier that the club i support is still based around being a football club, and not a rich mans toy.

RE: You`re All Going Down...........Andriy Shevchenko Joins Chelsea

mildman2 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 1st June 2006, 11:21

Chelsea`s success doesn`t outshine anything that MU, Arsenal and less recently Liverpool have achieved. Two premierships (both in seasons where MU and Arsenal have under invested compared to other seasons) and a Worthington Cup.

I don`t think they looked anywhere near good enough to win the CL (even in the game they beat Barcelona) and the FA Cup final still hasn`t been blessed with their presence in the Abramovich era.

They are over-achieving for a Chelsea team, but it`s just an OK record when compared to the big, seasoned, campaigners.
The breath of fresh air that was mourinho is now a boring reptitive chap wheeling out the same "I don`t care what any of you think" speeches that are no longer as funny, original or endearing as he thinks they are.

I wish him and Abramovic some poor luck this season, but look forward to some of the fantastic players playing really well.



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