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Page 1 of What is the best opening scene/sequence ever?

General Forum

What is the best opening scene/sequence ever?

groovedoctor (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 8th July 2001, 19:44

Now this could be from any movie, I would nominate Star Wars IV with the blockade runner, Indiana Jones (any of the three), some of the Bond pre-title sequences perhaps The World is Not Enough`s boat chase, The Matrix in the old hotel which sets the tone for the rest of the film.
Any more?

RE: What is the best opening scene/sequence ever?

cutz2000 (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 8th July 2001, 20:51

my favourite has got to be ARMAGEDDON
when the asteroid passes the moon and smashes into the earth
wow you wanna hear it up full blast (dolby surround) with the super woofer on full on my 32`` Toshiba widescreen jobbie

RE: What is the best opening scene/sequence ever?

Dan Bates (Admin) posted this on Sunday, 8th July 2001, 21:15

One of the best openings I`ve ever seen, which drew appreciative gasps from the theater audience was the opening sequence of Golden Eye, and especially the initial bungee jump - Bond back with a vengance !


RE: What is the best opening scene/sequence ever?

dicanio (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 8th July 2001, 23:02

yep armageddon rocks. also the bit where bruce willis is playing golf on the rig.
Goldeneye definetly. I like the ski chase from the spy who loved me. pulp fiction maybe mission impossible 2 when hes climbing the rocks. also vertical limit as well.

RE: What is the best opening scene/sequence ever?

Raymond (Competent) posted this on Monday, 9th July 2001, 00:00

Can`t believe none of you mention Saving Private Ryan, 25 minutes of total destruction!

RE: What is the best opening scene/sequence ever?

Blazingmonga (Elite) posted this on Monday, 9th July 2001, 01:00

Fight Club!

It was really amazing the first time you see it, trying to figure out what the hell it is! And the music is brilliant - very spooky in DD5.1!

I sometimes just watch that sequence on its own as I like it so much (oh and the THX noise right before it also rocks).


RE: What is the best opening scene/sequence ever?

Roger James (Elite) posted this on Monday, 9th July 2001, 09:39

Without a doubt, "Raiders of the lost Ark", most directors would have been grateful to have had that sequence as the ending/climax of their movies!!

RE: What is the best opening scene/sequence ever?

Grunt boy (Elite) posted this on Monday, 9th July 2001, 10:08

Saving Private Ryan is certainly the most terrifying and memorable.

RE: What is the best opening scene/sequence ever?

RJS (undefined) posted this on Monday, 9th July 2001, 13:49

Pah, the Evil Dead 2 opening beats all of those. :)

RE: What is the best opening scene/sequence ever?

Magnum (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 9th July 2001, 14:17

Star Wars (Episode IV) ...Sure bloody
Raiders ....Yeh I`m feeling you
Terminator 2 ..How could you forget it!
Fight Club ..Yep great opening.
Saving Private Ryan! ..Oh s***! gripping stuff
Mad Max(1) aint seen it in a while but it sticks in my mind

BUT! ...Evil Dead2..???

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