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Page 1 of *** SPOILER THREADS *** - a polite request from the Moderators

General Forum

*** SPOILER THREADS *** - a polite request from the Moderators

clayts (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 13th June 2001, 19:12

Please please please people, if you must give the plot away in a thread please add ***SPOILER*** in the title.

If you`re posting in a thread that already has a title that you are not responsible for, then post in that thread, don`t give the game away and link it to your own spoiler thread with the appropriate ***SPOILER*** heading..

It really is not very nice to be told the ending of a film if you don`t know it as a few people on the site have remarked today.

Thank you for your co-operation.

Moderator for DVD Reviewer

This item was edited on Wednesday, 13th June 2001, 19:13

RE: *** SPOILER THREADS *** - a polite request from the Moderators

daveo (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 13th June 2001, 23:35

thanks clayts - that spoiler really ruined my day.

RE: *** SPOILER THREADS *** - a polite request from the Moderators

sportsmimic (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 14th June 2001, 00:28

Haven`t seen Pearl harbour yet - please don`t tell me what happens!

RE: *** SPOILER THREADS *** - a polite request from the Moderators

WPKenny (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 14th June 2001, 10:59

Also can people who write "Visitor`s Reviews" please not put spoilers in there? I read reviews to see if the film is worth getting, but if some dumb fool tells me all the damn twists and even the final outcome then it`s hardly worth me getting the film cos my enjoyment will be totally ruined.

RE: *** SPOILER THREADS *** - a polite request from the Moderators

brock landers (Competent) posted this on Friday, 15th June 2001, 00:52



in pearl harbour some ships get bombed and SINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

in titanic the ship SINKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

cheers, brock

p.s clayts when is the orbital dvd released, i NEED it

potential **********SPOILER********** re orbital, some people get off their tits.


yours mischievously, (as always) brock

RE: *** SPOILER THREADS *** - a polite request from the Moderators

clayts (Elite) posted this on Friday, 15th June 2001, 01:26

Still no release date for Orbital - sign up to Steve`s newsletter list at - he normally sends a newsletter out every week.

RE: *** SPOILER THREADS *** - a polite request from the Moderators

brock landers (Competent) posted this on Friday, 15th June 2001, 01:43

cheers, have you any idea if future sound of london have a dvd planned?

that would be truly fantastic

cheers, brock

RE: *** SPOILER THREADS *** - a polite request from the Moderators

Frogmanirs (Competent) posted this on Friday, 15th June 2001, 06:28

Someone told me Titanic SUNK,I was gutted(Sorry to anyone who didnt know)

RE: *** SPOILER THREADS *** - a polite request from the Moderators

Johnboy (Competent) posted this on Friday, 15th June 2001, 12:19

And the chick in `The Crying Game` etc. etc....

RE: *** SPOILER THREADS *** - a polite request from the Moderators

clayts (Elite) posted this on Friday, 15th June 2001, 12:21

And apparently there was a war on between 1939 and 1945, so I`m led to believe.

I won`t give the game away and tell you who won though :-)

Self-parody is good, innit ?

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